ONDARIA creates unmatched homogeneous illumination, which makes the luminaire almost seem like a skylight. This gentle ambient lighting enhances multiple areas in offices and shops.
ONDARIA creates unmatched homogeneous illumination, which makes the luminaire almost seem like a skylight. This gentle ambient lighting enhances multiple areas in offices and shops.
Pendant and recessed luminaires deliver direct and ambient lighting at St. Michael's library in Langau, Italy.
Wide-area lighting creates comfortable, low-glare illumination throughout the OEB headquarters office in Composanto, Italy.
Creating comfortable light in corridors at KBVE, an electrical education center in Bern, Switzerland.
Grand wide-area entrance lighting at KBVE electrical education center in Switzerland.
Wide-area illumination for an atrium at Anton-Bruckner Private University in Austria.
Recessed and wall-mount luminaire applications provide lighting for stairwells and corridors at Anton-Bruckner Private University in Austria.
Comfortable welcoming light in the foyer of a professional office suite building in Prague, Czech Republic.
Softly diffused light for visual comfort in offices at a New York City corporation.
Balanced, Circular Design.
ONDARIA creates an opal, uniform luminous field with its concave diffuser. An unobtrusive indirect component brightens up the ceiling, enhancing the luminaire’s three-dimensional effect. The balanced, circular design of ONDARIA allows fully flexible positioning in the room. Installation is easy without opening the luminaire.
Homogeneous Illumination.
ONDARIA achieves superior homogeneous illumination through inter-reflection of LED light within the circular chamber. Such homogeneous illumination thanks to diffused wide-area lighting enhances people’s sense of well-being and makes rooms appear larger and wider. ONDARIA distributes gentle, soft light balanced with its aesthetically pleasing, rounded design.